
Close ties

As I write, preparations for the fi rst state visit of King WillemAlexander and Queen Máxima are in full swing. Our Chamber is in charge of organising the match-making for the accompanying business delegation, and the embassy staff are putting together a very detailed...

End-of-year reflections

It is November and the end of the year is approaching rapidly. New tax laws will soon come into force, putting question marks over many tax structures using Dutch BVs. The essence of the new law is that a Polish entrepreneur who owns a foreign company which derives...

Cultural Differences

I recently attended a very interesting presentation by a gentleman named Kevin Brownsey about the cultural differences between Poles and other nationalities. I was a bit skeptical at first - there are a lot of amateurs in this culture business. To prove my point, a...

Polen steeds aantrekkelijker

Polen is het enige land in de Europese Unie dat de afgelopen jaren geen recessie heeft gekend. Het is dan ook geheel niet vreemd dat steeds meer Nederlandse ondernemers proberen voet aan de grond te krijgen in dit land. De afgelopen vijf jaar heeft Polen voor ruim 60...